Campaigners are calling on the Royal British Legion to produce plastic-free poppies for Remembrance Day.
About 30 million poppies are produced and thrown in landfill every year.
Daisy Hutchison, who is from the campaign group Plastic Free Hackney, said: “It’s so important that we move away from using disposable things wherever possible, and poppies are an excellent case in point.
“Royal British Legion could use this as an opportunity to champion reuse, to make something special that supporters can keep and use again each year.”
Poppies can currently be recycled but only at Sainsbury’s stores.
“We do all have a part to play and introducing a recyclable poppy would be a good gesture from the Royal British Legion,” said Labour MP Clive Lewis. “But the climate crisis won’t be addressed by changes like this while our government refuses to commit to ending fossil fuel extraction immediately.”
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